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2023 基于地理探测器的科尔沁沙地植被NDVI时空变化特征及其驱动因素 植物生态学报 陈雪萍,赵学勇,张晶,王瑞雄,卢建男 CSCD
2023 长期氮沉降和地上凋落物处理对半干旱区沙质草地表层土壤碳氮组分的影响 水土保持学报 詹瑾,丛安琪,李玉霖,连杰,陈佳宁,王鹤松,程莉,宁志英,杨红玲 CSCD
2023 华北驼绒藜青贮加工及营养价值评价 草业学报 徐远志,刘新平,王立龙,胡鸿姣,何玉惠,张铜会,景家琪 CSCD
2023 内蒙古库伦旗草地群落分布特征及牧草储量估算 中国沙漠 徐远志,刘新平,胡鸿姣,王立龙,张铜会,何玉惠 CSCD
2023 科尔沁沙质草地不同水热梯度土壤胞外酶活性研究 草业科学 王怀海,黄文达,何远政,朱远忠 CSCD
2023 科尔沁沙地1961-2021年主要气象要素的变化特征-以奈曼旗为例 中国沙漠 牛亚毅,刘蔚,董佳蕊,连杰,王旭洋,李玉强 CSCD
2023 基于文献计量学的石窟寺及古代壁画研究态势分析 石窟与土遗址保护研究 杨小菊,于宗仁,郭青林,陈松丛,张文元,武发思 国内其他刊物
2023 植物对岩土文物的作用及保护技术研究进展 文物保护与考古科学 杨小菊,武发思,贾荣亮,郭青林,王彦武,赵思腾,赵学勇 国内其他刊物
2023 The particular species determining spatial heterogeneity in shady and terrace on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Research in Cold and Arid Regions Mou Xiaoming, Yu Yingwen, Zhao Min, Li Yuqiang, Shiyomi Masae SCI
2023 Grazing exclusion is more beneficial for restoring soil organic carbon and nutrient balance than afforestation on degraded sandy land Frontiers in Plant Science Cao Wenjie, Li Yuqiang, Chen Yun, Wang Xuyang SCI
2023 Plant diversity responses of Ulmus pumila L. communities to grazing managements in Hunshandak Sandy Land, China Diversity Huang Wenda, He Yuanzheng, Zhao Xueyong, Yang Hongxiao, Gan Honghao, Zhao Xin SCI
2023 Dominant species determine grazing effects on the stability of herbaceous community production at multiple scales in drylands Journal of Applied Ecology Zuo Xiaoan, Gornish ES, Koerner SE, Plas F vander, Wang Shiping, Liang MW SCI
2023 Contrasting relationships between plant-soil microbial diversity are driven by geographic and experimental precipitation changes Science of the Total Environment Zuo Xiaoan, Sun Shanshan, Wang Shaokun, Yue Ping, Hu Ya, Zhao Shenglong, Guo Xinxin, Li Xiangyun, Chen Min, Ma Xujun, Qu Hao, Hu WG, Zhao Xueyong, Allington GRH SCI
2023 Grassland stability decreases with increasing number of global change factors: A meta-analysis Science of the Total Environment Song Zhaobin, Hautier Y, Wang C SCI
2023 Impact of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil gross nitrogen transformations in a temperate desert steppe European Journal of Soil Science Yue Ping, Zhang JB, Zhu GD, Yin Xiaoyue, Zhang XX, Wang Shaokun, Müller C, Misselbrook T, Zuo Xiaoan SCI
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